R&D projects
Discover mushroom levy investments into Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives
The mushroom levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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21-30 of 99 results
Scientific basis for a mushroom food group in the Australian Dietary Guidelines (MU22001)
This short project is reviewing and collating the scientific evidence base to support mushrooms (fungi) being classified as a separate food group within the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
5 December 2023
Marketing campaign evaluation modules FY22/23 (MT22200)
This project examined the impact of Hort Innovation’s Apple and Pear, Avocado, Banna, Mango, Mushroom and Sweetpotato levy-funded marketing campaigns.
4 December 2023
Evaluating existing and potential ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) health claims for mushrooms (MU22004)
This project summarised the nutrition content and health claims that can be made about vitamin D in mushrooms that meet the Food Standards Code so that mushrooms can be credibly and legally promoted as a key source of vitamin D to consumers.
17 April 2023
Mushroom education resources (MU22002)
This short project developed two mushroom-focused teaching resources that encouraged secondary school students to have a greater understanding and interest in the mushroom industry.
24 August 2023
Pest and disease management for the Australian mushroom industry (MU21007)
This project is reducing the negative economic impacts experienced by the mushroom industry as a direct result of the influence of pests and diseases infiltrating mushrooms crops.
1 September 2022
Non-synthetic alternatives to complement pest and disease management practices in mushrooms (MU22000)
This project is improving the Australian mushroom industry's knowledge of the potential of non-synthetic bioprotectants in an integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) approach.
31 August 2022
Consumer usage and attitude tracking 2022/23 (MT21202)
This investment provided a category tracking service to allow various horticultural categories to better understand consumer usage and attitudes and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
9 January 2024
Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre of Excellence (MU21004)
This project supports the running and development of the Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre (MLMRC) at the University of Sydney.
13 July 2022
Recycling spent mushroom substrate (SMS) for fertiliser in a circular economy (MU21006)
This project investigated the potential of developing a spent mushroom substrate (SMS) circular economy by improving the value proposition of SMS for the end-user (primarily grain growers).
20 May 2024
Foodservice foundational market insights (MT21011)
This investment has equipped the avocado, melon, mushroom, onion, papaya, sweetpotato and vegetable industries with market insights into the foodservice sector.
5 August 2022