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R&D projects

Discover mushroom levy investments into Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives

The mushroom levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

Discover the projects that you want to see by refining the list by ongoing, completed, and historical R&D projects as well as projects by R&D portfolio type. You can also filter the projects by areas of extension and communications, international trade, and data and insights.

1-10 of 16 results

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Ongoing project

Alternate mushroom casing substrate casing/blends with alternative materials (MU24001)

This project is exploring alternative casing-soils, as recommended in the levy-funded project Future of Casing Report (MU22009) and testing the efficiency of casing inputs and additives that are Australian in origin or blended with sustainably imported materials.

15 January 2025

Completed project Final Research Report

Alternate casing substrate – providing review of research to date and an expert forum for future R&D investment (MU22009)

This project investigated the current situation regarding peat availability and existing research into finding suitable alternatives for mushroom growing.

3 June 2024

Ongoing project

Pest and disease management for the Australian mushroom industry (MU21007)

This project is reducing the negative economic impacts experienced by the mushroom industry as a direct result of the influence of pests and diseases infiltrating mushrooms crops.

1 September 2022

Ongoing project

Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre of Excellence (MU21004)

This project supports the running and development of the Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre (MLMRC) at the University of Sydney.

13 July 2022

Completed project

Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT17019)

Among other thing, this project produced the Ag Chemical Updates, detailing chemical issues and reviews.

9 July 2021

Completed project

New innovations to improve mushroom whiteness shelf life (MU19005)

This investment investigated new innovations to improve and maintain mushroom whiteness, looking at both pre- and post-harvest factors.

16 March 2021

Ongoing project

Developing a database of bio-markers for compost quality control to maximise mushroom production yield (MU17006)

This investment is exploring how microbial populations within compost can be used to understand, measure and manipulate compost quality.

12 July 2019

Completed project

Generation of data for pesticide permit applications in horticulture crops 2019/20 (MT18018)

This multi-industry project generated the data needed to support a range of existing minor use permits across a variety of horticulture crops, to ensure growers have continued access to safe and effective chemicals for the management of pests, weeds and diseases.

10 July 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Feasibility of compost substrate alternatives for mushroom production (MU17007)

This research explored alternatives for wheaten straw in mushroom compost to help manage potential supply issues and future-proof the industry.

2 December 2019