R&D projects
Discover mushroom levy investments into Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives
The mushroom levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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71-80 of 99 results
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2018-19 to 2020-21 (HA18002)
This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.
22 May 2019
Understanding and managing the impacts of climate change on Australian mushroom production (MU17008)
This investment is identifying climate-related risks to the Australian mushroom industry and how they can be managed now and into the future.
29 May 2020
Optimising nitrogen transformations in mushroom production (MU17004)
This project helped mushroom growers optimise the rate and timing of nitrogen additions, to achieve maximum yield and nutritional value.
19 April 2024
Phenomenom extension project (MT18015)
This investment increased education around and attitudes towards mushrooms and onions by delivering additional resources for the Phenomenom initiative
24 June 2019
Mushroom crisis management review (MU16001)
This work identified potential risks to the Australian mushroom industry, updated the industry’s crisis management plan, and provided crisis management training to relevant industry personnel.
5 February 2019
Communication and education of mushroom nutrition research to health professionals (phase 2) (MU14000)
This project contiued delivering information on the nutritional and health properties of mushrooms to health professionals, researchers, media writers and mushroom growers.
5 February 2019
Mushrooms and health global initiative (MU12015)
This project collected, evaluated and communicated scientific findings on the health and nutrient benefits of mushrooms to health influencers and media between 2013 and 2016.
5 February 2019
Mushroom industry communication plan (MU12014)
This investment supported the mushroom industry's communications program from 2013 to 2016.
5 February 2019
Development of a pilot mushroom farm disease monitoring scheme (MU12007)
Rapid pathogen diagnostic tests were developed by this project, to detect the presence of the disease-causing agents in mushrooms - including for trichoderma, lecanicillium, cobweb and bacterial blotch.
5 February 2019
Opportunities for mushrooms in food service (MU12006)
Opportunities for increasing mushroom use in the food service were identified by this project, feeding into future investments involving chefs, food service training facilities and more in the Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund.
5 February 2019