R&D projects
Discover banana levy investments into Banana Fund R&D initiatives
The banana levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Banana Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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71-80 of 111 results
Ex-post impact assessment (MT18011)
Through this project, Hort Innovation engaged independent consultants to evaluate the impact of our R&D investments, providing insights into the type and magnitude of impacts generated across the company’s strategic levy programs.
31 December 2021
Banana bunchy top virus project, phase 4 – national surveillance and education (BA18000)
This investment played an important role in controlling the banana bunchy top virus in Australia.
26 September 2022
Revision of the owner reimbursement costs framework for the Australian banana industry (BA16012)
This investment was responsible for revising the Evidence Framework for Reimbursement Costs, developed for the banana industry in response to the freckle incursion in the Northern Territory
29 April 2018
Banana industry communications program (BA18001)
This investment was responsible for keeping Australian banana growers informed about industry R&D and other news and developments in a timely way.
10 January 2023
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2018-19 to 2020-21 (HA18002)
This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.
22 May 2019
SPLAT cue-lure based management of Queensland fruit fly (MT12001)
A pheromone-based lure approach for managing Queensland fruit fly was assessed by this project, dubbed SPLAT: Specialised Pheromone Lure Application Technology.
5 February 2019
Integrated management of yellow Sigatoka (BA15003)
This project supported the role and activities of a Yellow Sigatoka liaison officer for the banana industry between 2016 and 2018.
9 January 2019
Banana enterprise performance comparison (BA16009)
This investment collected data on the productivity, quality, profitability and other information from Australian banana businesses as part of the industry's benchmarking program.
7 November 2018
Generation of residue data for pesticide minor use permit applications in horticulture crops 2015/16 (ST15027)
This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.
26 November 2018
Tropical fruit export strategy (MT17002) (MT17002a)
This investment was tasked with developing individual export strategies for a range of tropical commodities, feeding into an overarching export strategy for Australian tropical fruit.
16 May 2018