Elke Cleverdon

Elke is an experienced non-executive director with a diverse background in agriculture, banking, and public health, and a passion for member-centric organisations. She offers a distinctive grower perspective and a genuine drive to elevate the industry through innovation.
As an alumna and mentor of the National Farmers Federation's 'Diversity in Ag Leadership' program, Elke continues to support emerging leaders in the sector.
Elke has extensive experience in the agricultural industry, both as a producer and a rural financial coach across regional NSW. She has challenged business models and production systems for growers of a range of horticultural commodities. Since 1993, Elke has been a joint owner and director of a broad-acre family farm in Harden, NSW.
Elke brings a wealth of financial, risk management, and governance expertise to her roles and is recognised for her strong focus on strategy and risk. Elke is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), a Fellow CPA, and holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Furthermore, she has 16 years of executive experience in the banking industry, 8 years as a rural financial coach and consultancy work. Elke is dedicated to advancing producers' long-term best interests.
Her current other non-executive directorships include Cattle Australia (Peak Industry Body), Murrumbidgee Health (NSW Health), and SWS Bank.