Podcast #2 from Growing Matters – Series 2
This episode gives growers the tools they need to understand big data and the impact it can have on their industries. Our data, insights and analytics specialists break down the complexities around how data is collected and why, what it can be used for and how growers can use data and insights to their advantage to help grow their business and boost their bottom line. The resources explored in this episode are freely accessible resources generated through Hort Innovation investments.
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About the speakers
Adam Briggs – Head of Data & Insights at Hort Innovation
As the Head of Data & Insights, Adam leads the collection and analysis of industry and market data as the basis for insights and ensures the provision of investment analysis and evaluation to demonstrate impact achieved through Hort Innovation’s investments. Adam has led the delivery of the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook since its inaugural release in 2016, building strong partnerships that has ensured a respected and highly sought-after resource serving as the ‘go to’ for horticulture industry data and information.
Chanel Day – Director, Analytics at Nielsen
As Director of Analytics, Chanel leads Nielsen's fresh industry pillar and is Nielsen's resident fresh expert. Chanel works with clients across produce, meat, seafood, deli and baked goods helping them to take advantage of trends within the fresh food space and develop winning strategies.
Podcast transcript
Act now:
- Visit the Harvest to Home platform – this multi-industry investment is tasked with providing regular consumer behaviour data and insight reporting to a range of industries, through the Harvest to Home platform. The information is intended to assist growers and supply chain partners in decision-making for their businesses and, for the wider industry, the data and insights will be available to support strategic activities.
- Access the Australian Horticulture Statistic Handbook – this handbook is an analysis that combines all available data on production, international trade, processing volumes and fresh market distribution in order to produce statistics on 75 horticultural categories. It adopts a modelling approach that centres on determining the fresh market value and volume for each category, that reconciles production with local and international distribution channel throughputs.
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About the Growing Matters podcast series
Hort Innovation's Growing Matters podcast series is delivering high value, tangible and industry specific information directly to you, our growers, through easy-to-access audio aimed to help you to grow your business.
Use the play list to select a podcast that appeals to you or visit each of the podcast pages for more information and to read the podcast transcript.