Investment expenditure analysis
See how Vegetable Fund investments are tracking against the industry’s Strategic Investment Plan
As seen on the vegetable 'fund management' page, investments specific to the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund are guided by the industry's Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). The SIP features four priority outcome areas that have been identified and agreed upon by the industry, and Hort Innovation works to invest in R&D initiatives that are aligned to these.
See how investment expenditure aligns to Strategic Investment Plan outcomes
In the interactive chart below, discover the most up-to-date information on how project expenditure in the Vegetable Fund is aligned to the four SIP outcomes. The chart reflects project investment across the life of the SIP to date.
21-30 of 46 results
National fall armyworm innovation system for the Australian vegetable industry (VG22006)
This investment delivers a nationally coordinated program to reduce fall armyworms' impact on the vegetable industry by arming growers with tools and knowledge.
22 August 2023
Education and tools for canteen managers to increase vegetables in primary school canteens and vegetable consumption by children (MT22006)
This project is engaging primary school canteens across Australia through a range of initiatives to boost the consumption of veggies at school and create long-term healthy eating habits.
22 August 2023
Management of foliar bacterial diseases in vegetables (VG22001)
This project is supporting vegetable growers to manage foliar bacterial diseases by providing them with ways to detect pathogens quickly and then treat them effectively.
8 August 2023
Identifying and managing the sources and routes of microbial contamination in leafy vegetables (VG22002)
This program is assisting leafy vegetable growers improve their food safety systems by identifying and managing the sources and routes of microbial contamination.
2 August 2023
National vegetable and onion benchmarking program (MT22009)
This project is providing vegetable and onion growers with the ability to compare their businesses against national and regional benchmarking data.
3 July 2023
Capturing the real and potential benefits and costs of on-farm biosecurity measures (MT22008)
This investment quantifies the everyday benefits of on-farm biosecurity practices so that recommendations can be made on how to incentivise vegetable and melon growers to adopt appropriate biosecurity measures.
19 April 2023
Soil wealth and integrated crop protection – phase 3 (MT22004)
The Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection program assists melon and vegetable growers to improve the management of their soil and crop health, to drive their productivity, profitability and sustainability on-farm.
19 April 2023
Horticulture trade data (MT22005)
This investment provides Hort Innovation with a subscription to the Global Trade Atlas Database.
3 April 2023
Generation of data for pesticide permit applications in horticulture 2022 (ST22001, ST22003 and ST22004)
These multi-industry projects are generating the data needed to support a range of existing minor use permits across various horticulture crops to ensure growers have continued access to safe and effective chemicals for managing pests, weeds, and diseases.
29 November 2022
Vegetable industry communications program (VG22000)
This investment is responsible for effectively communicating the findings of levy-funded R&D and other relevant industry news, issues and data to vegetable growers and other industry stakeholders.
29 November 2022