Investment expenditure analysis
See how Vegetable Fund investments are tracking against the industry’s Strategic Investment Plan
As seen on the vegetable 'fund management' page, investments specific to the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund are guided by the industry's Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). The SIP features four priority outcome areas that have been identified and agreed upon by the industry, and Hort Innovation works to invest in R&D initiatives that are aligned to these.
See how investment expenditure aligns to Strategic Investment Plan outcomes
In the interactive chart below, discover the most up-to-date information on how project expenditure in the Vegetable Fund is aligned to the four SIP outcomes. The chart reflects project investment across the life of the SIP to date.
31-40 of 46 results
Feasibility/scoping study: Surveillance and diagnostic framework for detecting soil-borne pathogens in vegetable industries (MT21016)
This multi-industry investment is examining the potential to develop a national surveillance and diagnostic framework for soilborne pathogens of melon, onion, potato, sweetpotato and vegetable crops.
24 October 2022
National Fruit Fly Council – Phase 4 (FF20000)
The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) is a strategic body bringing together federal and state governments, growers and research funders to oversee the implementation of the National Fruit Fly Strategy.
2 August 2022
Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2022 (ST21001 and ST21006)
This project is providing access to safe and effective chemicals for the management of pests, weeds and diseases.
2 June 2022
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2021-22 to 2023-24 (MT21006)
This whole-of-horticulture investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook
11 May 2022
Multi-industry export program (Vegetables, Onions and Melons) (MT21009)
This investment is tasked with providing international trade development support for Australian vegetable, onion and melon growers.
29 April 2022
Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2022-2024 (VG21003)
This project is delivering the Annual Vegetable Industry Seminars from 2022 to 2024 through a combination of in-person events, online webinars and video resources.
28 April 2022
Demonstrating the benefits of building capability and capacity in extension delivery in the vegetable industry (VG21002)
This investment is evaluating the impact of providing additional training and support to industry development officers (IDOs).
10 March 2022
Consumer behavioural data program (MT21004)
This multi-industry investment is tasked with providing regular consumer behaviour data and insight reporting to a range of industries
10 March 2022
National Bee Pest Surveillance Program: Transition program (MT21008)
This investment is delivering a national coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
19 January 2022
VegNet 3.0 (VG21000)
This investment is tasked with keeping Australian vegetable growers informed about current R&D activities, results and resources
23 November 2021