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R&D projects

Discover mushroom levy investments into Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives

The mushroom levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

Discover the projects that you want to see by refining the list by ongoing, completed, and historical R&D projects as well as projects by R&D portfolio type. You can also filter the projects by areas of extension and communications, international trade, and data and insights.

11-16 of 16 results

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Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding and managing the impacts of climate change on Australian mushroom production (MU17008)

This investment is identifying climate-related risks to the Australian mushroom industry and how they can be managed now and into the future.

29 May 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Optimising nitrogen transformations in mushroom production (MU17004)

This project helped mushroom growers optimise the rate and timing of nitrogen additions, to achieve maximum yield and nutritional value.

19 April 2024

Completed project Final Research Report

Improving consistency of mushroom compost through control of biotic and abiotic parameters (MU10021)

This project provided detail about the key microbes involved in mushroom composting, with a view to improvin consistency in compost quality for crops.

5 February 2019

Completed project

Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2018 (ST17000) (ST17000h)

This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.

10 May 2023

Ongoing project

Mushroom industry minor use program (MU16002)

This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the mushroom industry.

6 December 2018

Completed project

Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre (MU16004)

This project supported the running and development of the Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre (MLMRC) at the University of Sydney, to help the industry drive innovation, adopt best practice and tackle issues.

14 July 2022