R&D projects
Discover macadamia levy investments into Macadamia Fund R&D initiatives
The macadamia levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Macadamia Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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91-100 of 105 results
A multi-target approach to fruitspotting bug (MT10049)
Information on fruitspotting bugs and their management was produced by this investment, which developed the Fruitspotting Bugs 2016 handbook
5 February 2019
Novel nanobionics platform to improve Australian horticulture production and protection from pests (AI14003)
This project explored novel techniques to convert waste from horticultural industries into valuable products, including using macadamia nut shells in the production of gold and silver nanoparticles, activated carbon and more.
16 December 2016
Building productivity – building profitability: 2014 macadamia conference (MC13703)
The 2014 Australian Macadamia Society Industry Conference was funded through this investment.
11 October 2016
Total Non-Structural Carbohydrate Testing in Macadamias (MC13009)
This project looked at using measures of non-structural carbohydrate levels as a potential predictor of crop load in macadamia nut trees.
11 August 2016
An objective basis for temperate nut industries expansion (MT14041)
Information to support industry expansion for a range of temperate nut crops was produced by this investment, for use by the relevant industries.
8 March 2016
Time of flowering and pollination relevant to orchard weather conditions in northern NSW – a growers trial group (MC12011)
This project investigated the effect of weather events on the success of pollination at time of macadamia flowering, and fed into the development of integrated orchard management guidelines.
16 November 2015
Integrated management of diseases in macadamia industry (MC12007)
Macadamia integrated disease management strategies were developed and extended by this project, including for husk spot and Phytophthora root rot.
24 September 2015
Developing a commercial shelf life test for macadamias (MC12002)
A rapid test to predict shelf-life and quality of macadamias was evaluated in this project, which looked at the use of the OdourScan 'electronic nose' instrument.
16 July 2015
Development of a kernel assessment and laboratory accreditation scheme for macadamias (MC11014)
This project developed and implemented a macadamia kernel assessment and laboratory accreditation scheme to establish clear, objective and documented standards.
16 March 2015
Canopy management strategies for improved and sustainable productivity part 2: completing research and supporting on-farm assessment by growers (MC11000)
Controlling macadamia tree size/canopy management was the focus of this work, which investigated early tree training, root pruning, trunk girdling and strategic hedging timing.
27 June 2014