Industry Service Managers
Industry Service Managers (ISMs) are able to keep you updated with information from your industry’s levy investments and how outputs from these can help your business grow.
They are listed below for each industry and are always keen for a chat.
If you can't get straight through, it’s easy to book a phone call at a time that suits you by using the email links.
Head of Industry ServiceLouise Pavihi AlmondIndustry Service Manager: Apple and pearIndustry Service Manager:Dumisani Mhlanga Phone: 0447 091 186 Send email AvocadoIndustry Service Manager: BananaIndustry Service Manager: BlueberryIndustry Service Manager: CherryIndustry Service Manager: ChestnutIndustry Service Manager: CitrusIndustry Service Manager: Custard appleIndustry Service Manager: Dried grapeIndustry Service Manager: Dried tree fruitIndustry Service Manager: MushroomIndustry Service Manager: LycheeIndustry Service Manager: MangoIndustry Service Manager: MelonIndustry Service Manager: MacadamiaIndustry Service Manager: NashiIndustry Service Manager: NurseryIndustry Service Manager: OnionIndustry Service Manager: |
OliveIndustry Service Manager: PapayaIndustry Service Manager: PassionfruitIndustry Service Manager: PersimmonIndustry Service Manager: PineappleIndustry Service Manager: PistachioIndustry Service Manager: Potato – freshIndustry Service Manager: Potato – processingIndustry Service Manager: Processing tomatoIndustry Service Manager: PruneIndustry Service Manager: PyrethrumIndustry Service Manager: Raspberry and blackberryIndustry Service Manager: StrawberryIndustry Service Manager: SummerfruitIndustry Service Manager: SweetpotatoIndustry Service Manager: Table grapeIndustry Service Manager: TurfIndustry Service Manager:George Russell Phone: 0417 954 814 Send email VegetablePost-farmgate Pre-farmgate |
Other portfolios
Industry Analysis and Industry Market ResearchLucy Noble Sean Nonnenmacher Jayden Wensing
Industry Communications and ConferencesSharon Watt |